I'm trying to run a game on a Virtual drive but i get the message saying: Emulator detected! Please deactivate virtual drive and emulation software. Is there any way around this or do i have to burn it to cd or something?
sorry didn't read the other post properly. Let that be a lessen to us all, read through the other post first or you will succum to my fate.
WTF does your second post mean, and maybe try the edit function. Any way, what kind of virtual drive are you using? and try stuff on my emulation guides...scroll all the way to the bottom. http://www.geocities.com/camstuf/PC_GAMES-VCD-SVCD-DVD.HTML
The game protection is picking up that you're using a virtual drive so depending on which one you're using now you'll need to try another one. Also if you have Nero on your system make sure it's Image Drive is disabled since SafeDisc and SecuROM will both pick that one up as well and refuse to run.
you can also use a program called anti-blaxx which can get around this type of thing too. It is a pain to set up but will pass this kind of stuff easily