Hello, I've installed AID 3.0 on my hard drive. Recently Ive been playing Snes games using xSnesx Emulator. I burnt a dvd data containing SNES roms and I opened xSnesx to launch the dvd and it worked fine. Now, Im trying to play N64 games using Surreal64 XXX and its giving an error of not finding any roms and its telling me to edit surrela64.ini. Im unable to edit the .ini file because i cant FTP my xbox to PC. Does anyone know how to fix this? Would I need to FTP my Xbox to PC to install a different emulator? How can I install different emulators?
the Surreal64 XXX doesnt work that well i have used it alot and there is alot of roms that just dont work
I couldnt tell f that was sarcasm? I hope it was'nt. Because as sarcasm goes, that wasnt very good sarcasm.
Yah i know i have to edit surreal.ini to dvd path but im unable to edit it becausei cant ftp myxbox to pc... is there another way of editing it? also if Surreal isn't that good ..are there other ones? thats for xbox?