Eli lataukset vaan häviää, ei oo kovin montaa kertaa tota tullu, mut haluisin tietää mitä toi meinaa... Ja saako niitä pilalle menneitä part-tiedostoja mitenkään korjattua...
http://www.emule-project.net/faq/errmsgs.htm Error: Invalid part.met fileversion! (x.part.met => (null)) A serious error has occurred while eMule was writing data to a .part.met file. These are the files, in which eMule keeps track of temporary downloads. The cause of this error is a crash of Windows or eMule. To recover the files you can try the following: - Locate the file(s) in your Temp folder. If you cannot find them, you're out of luck - Use a program like Known Metinator, DonkeyDoctor (Spanish, but program and help forum also in English) or eD2k RecoverMET to reconstruct the .met file. - You can also try to run eDonkey with your current temp folder maybe it is able to correct the problem. - See Troubleshooting -> Downloads for more details. Always quit eMule before any operation and don't expect too much. This is a serious error and chances are good that you have to download the whole file again. Jos sinäkin sanot ettet osaa englantia niin alan itkemään onnetonta elämääni.