I copyed a movie with dvd fab dec. when i run shrink it stops half way , Idon't have the dvd any more,just the vob 's of full dvd, is there a way to use dvd decrypter or rip it 4 me useing just the files or vobs to fix the proplem, i tryed nero, img burn .allstop half way.i would like to re rip the files, any help on this be appreciated.I Also try x-2-dvd but it said some thing was missing,and closed. i also used Fixvts, thanks xbill
If it loads into DVD Shrink without complaint, I am surprised that it chokes. Can you select the 'Re-author' tab and drag 'Title 1' (or whatever the largest file is) from the right pane to the left pane and try to backup?