hi, is it possible to encrypt or copyright my dvds so that no one else can copy them if so how? and with what software, thanks.
The only way I know of would be to spend a lot of $$ for macrovision software but even if you do it's easily broken.
No. Not unless you author to a DLT tape, and then it can be done at the replicators. You cannot write any form of Copy protection to a DVD. However, there is a way we can get around this.... If you write your master to a DVD-RW disc that has CPRM on it, then you will be able to make copies from this, but those copies cannot be copied. Too easily.
Yep. Copy Protection for Recorded Media. It is on a lot of DVD-RW discs. It effectively allows a single generation of copies to be made. It would not stop someone using a tool such as DVDDecrypter from ripping the disc though. All it would do is prevent a casual "copy DVD" tool from doing the job. Honestly, it ain't worth the bother.