I keep getting this message " CD/DVD tray not set correctly". I have reset it a dozen time and it still says the same thing. Anyone else have this happen to them. Any sugestions ?? Thanks
Make sure your arrows are lined up precisely...the printers are very picky when loading the media tray. Could also be a defect in the printer, have you contacted Epson?
I had this problem on an old r300, Stupidly I never read the instructions properly and it was to close to the wall at the back where teh tray passes through. Sometwimes it worked fine, and after a while is constantly gave the error message and would take about 20 attempts to get the tray to go through ok. Changed it once and it did the same, read the book (a bit late I know) and pulled it out from the wall a bit and never had the problem again. Has your dvd tray got loads of grooves underneath where the printer has been 'wheel spinning' on the tray?
Certainly does, It got me too! but if you look at it from above it comes out a good way. You probably need a couple of inches clearance. Mine cut grooves in the bottom of the tray which it may have been okay with after I arranged the printer properly but by that stage I had already swopped for a new one. Thats when I realised, purely by chance and then got the manual out which confirmed it! Try moving it and see if that helps. Mine was working fine in the wrong location for quite a while before things got so bad that it wouldnt print to a disk. Best wishes, and please post back with your findings!