I just bought a kenwoodxxv-01d cd deck for my car and i would like to adjust my treble and bass but i have never used a damn equalizer so please someone help me there are 4 bands Band 1 60/80/100/120/160/200 (Hz) Band 2 250/315/400/500/630/800/1k (HZ) Band 3 1.25/1.6/2/2.5/3.15/4 (Khz) Band 4 5/6.3/8/10/12.5/16 (Khz) Each band also has Frequency, Level, and Q Factor now i have no idea what any of this means basically what do i have to do if i wanted to have my bass all the way down and my treble all the way up for instance i would appreciate any help
Did you even try playing around with it? If you did you would discover that, when you move the knobs all the way down that frequency goes down. Don't even look at all the numbers. Just know that the knobs on the left are for bass response. The knobs in the middle are for midrange response. The knobs on the right are for highend response. You'll just have to play with it to get it where you want it. It's really that simple!!