okay i followed all the directions from this other thread http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/203286 and i came up with error #6 when i turned on my xbox. For some reason it cant unlock the hd, can someone please help me? my xbox info: v 1.0 or 1.1 (not sure) new hd: 160 gb, western digital (model #: WD1600JB - 00GVA0 TIA
i followed the tutorial to the end. besides i would have recieved another error message if it weren't locked.
You have the wrong HD key . FTP to your E: (UDATA) folder on Stock HD , Get the eeprom from There . Use that eeprom with Xhdm to lock it . It will work then . "You Cant unlock HD because the key is wrong " ..GoodLuck ,If you need more help I'll help you .
Thanx man, I got the new hd in there, but i also wanna enable the G drive on my hd since i would b losing about 30 gb of space. know how to do this?
Well if you use UnleashX just use the -File Explorer- Until you see G: .. Hit the "Start" Button , Scroll down until you see (Format) then just Format it . It will ask , yes format ? .. Yes ...
Nah, because you'll have to use that Config Magic BS that does'nt get the right eeprom.. Just FTP to your Xbox and get the eeprom from E: UDATA P.S. Has to be modded to get the eeprom.
no, i mean i have a softmodded xbox running evox, but i can run unleashx as an app. I wanted to know if there is a way to get that other 30 gigs without a modchip.
Yeah you can but you need to format the partition , I'm not to sure how to do it with Evox thou .. I use UnleashX .. sorry :/.. Hold on i'll install Evox to try and help you m8
Hmmmm, I think you go to System Configuration , Then System Settings. Scroll down till you see "Use G' then make it say :YES ... Hope that works for I don't see anyway to Format the Partition P.S. Forgot to tell you , Make sure you always (Save)the set up after you tweak a setting. Save it then,Power-off/Power-on your Xbox. _______________________________________________________ I know alot of people like Evox but I think it's Sucks. There are Hardly any settings that you change
Hmm, i think i tried it in unleashX it didnt really do anything. I'll try it again. I thought your drive has to been unlocked before you can format it. one more thing, does your Xbox have a modchip?