Hey guy's I have softmodded 3 xboxes and upgraded the hd in 2 of them so i'm not a total newb.I am trying to upgrade another but it isn't working. I am getting an error 13 when I plug it up. I have tried making a new xbox hd maker disk with clean M$ dash files, tried making one using a copy C folder from the original hd, tried rebuilding hd from scratch 3 times. Nothing seems to work! I'm kind of burnt out!! Can someone give me some advise? My other boxes are softmodded. I'm not real clear on hotswapping, I've read the toutorials. Maybe I'm just a little slow tonight. Any help is appreciated. THANKS!!!!!!!!!
a clean ms dash rebuild (with hdm) should have worked. perhaps your harddrive has a problem? bad sectors? try to make a softmod / clean ms dash, and lock it to the eeprom of one of your other xbox'es. if you still get a error 13 when you put that harddrive in one of your other xbox'es, then there might be a harddrive problem (then do a full format/ bad sector scan in windows or dos).