Alright i got an error 13 on my xbox. I can still runs games. but how do i fix this? can i just download the M$ Dash and then ftp it to my xbox or what? i've heard that i could just get the slayer's cd and then boot it up and it would re-download the dash. What can i do?
Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed That is the error download Slayer's Auto Installer, burn it to cd, boot and bring back life in your xbox. OR Play a game with Live Downloadable COntent and download it, also try getting a DVD and playing the Demo game inside.
So i got the slayers downloaded and do i just open it up or what? and i tried this before and i couldnt get it to my DVD+R so how do i do that?