i tried like 10 times to config mario kart (real cartage) for wi-fi and for life if me wont let me, my router see the DS and gives it IP, but DS wont reconize it. i look on my router is says Nintendo-ds IP: i tired with WEP and no WEP. i tried to ping the DS from the router but fails (my router has a ping function lol) the router is a verizon FiOS cable router thing. i tried to manually config DS to routers configration but no good. might goto gamestop tomarrow see if it works with download station maybe my wi-fi on DS is fried
nvm fixed it, didnt scroll down to set up gateway and subnet other junk lol. didnt notice the scroll bar lol
i read it somewhere forgot where, but ya goto start run, type cmd to bring up the command window, type ipconfig /all it will list your pcs network setting, basicly copy them to ya DS, but use a diffrent IP for ya DS, like my pc is i used for my DS, just remember ya need to set automatic ip and auto DNS thing to no in order to specify your own numbers. after that DS was all happy my DS settings for example are (aw no wep key listed, leechers ) SSID: BioNET (my router's name lol) IP: subnet: gateway: DCHP: Primary DNS: left secondary all zeros
Hmmmm. I didn't have to punch any of that stuff to set up a connection for Pokemon. It just did it. The DS found the router and I just associated a WEP key with it, it save that config, and away it went. I will be referring back to this if/when I try to set something else up for WiFi and run into trouble.