This lousy Microsoft Media Player 9 will play every movie but the one I want to see. I downloaded it from KaZaA and the video is perfect but there is no sound. Have checked everything that I KNOW about. The two-file movie is huge. Stayed up all night trying to fix it. Anyone have a clue?
I found the answer (lost a night of sleep) was missing an AC3 filter. Why didn't MS Media Player not provide??? Anyone help me. If you have avi video and no audio go to and download the AC Filter zip file. These guys provide for free without ripping YOU off. Freebie!!
well, for whatever reason be it copyright or other, with most players you have to get the codecs on your own
just in case, you can check this site for some more codecs and also (admin:not advertising, if that's okay) for some other codecs audio and visual or just do a google search under "video codecs" and under "audio codecs", that is if you haven't yet