Hi! I was using DVd Decrypter and had just finished reading mode and went to go into the writing mode and had burned about22% and I get the message TRACKING SERVO FAILURE? It sounds like my burner has hit the dust.
It seems to me that you have posted many times about your problems with both failing when burn discs or when they do burn having problems playing them. I think you also said that you have tried Ritek, Fuji, Verbatim, Imation and other discs. A TRACKING SERVO FAILURE would usually indicate the use of poor quality media. Especially any media where the center hole of the disc might be off just slightly causing the disc to wobble. Since you have tried different brands and most should be of good quality it would seem that is not the problem. Most people find that error can be avoided by writing at a slower speed. I think you said that you have a 8X burner but it does not seem to be working well at higher speeds. When you write in Decrypter have you tried setting a slow 1X or 2X speed and seeing if you can get a good burn that way. Then if that works you can try increasing the write speed a little and see what you are actually capable of burning.
First of all you guys and gals must think Iam on crack,because of the problems I had. Needless to say I have been using everyones advice. Thank you all for the information,it was greatly appreciated. I was up till 4:AM working on this problem,ripped the drive out and cables,checked memory, checked just about everything,reinstalled Nero, burned a disk, same problem? This time I wrote my steps down, to make sure what I did and how I did it. About 9:00AM, I really was checking all software,bad DVD's still nothing. So I used the old standby to check for software up dates. All the progams were fine execept Nero, which has a new FIRMWARE version. I reinstalled the firmware, rebooted and never looked back. My response is Keep It Simple,start from the basics!