error msg

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by paddyc, May 23, 2004.

  1. paddyc

    paddyc Guest

    I hope this is the right place...

    On some of my burns i get this msg

    DVD shrink encountered an error and cannot continue.
    Failed t read file "D:"
    data error (cyclic redundancy check)

    can anyone please help me here, it only happens every now and again? Is this the dvd or shrink causinf it, cos if its shrink I might try decrypter to do it, but i dont know how to usee it yet, so i'd rather stick to shrink

    many thanks people, paddy
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Hi paddy,

    CRC errors are usually caused by dirty, scratched or damaged discs. On rare occasions even new discs can have a CRC error. Try cleaning the disc.

  3. Northernr

    Northernr Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    im getting that exact error and i have cleaned the disc (several times) and just cannot complete the read with dvd shrink or decrypter.
    the dvd is brand new and im bummed i cant make a backup!
    any other ideas??
  4. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    In Decrypter you can tell it to keep trying on read errors -- it will try as many times as you want it to (well, maybe there's a limit -- the max I've ever used is 20 tries) whenever it encounters an error. For me, on certain DVDs that Shrink has had trouble with (which isn't too many -- it's a great program!!), Decrypter has worked every time. It DOES end up taking a very long time, though, as the read rate basically goes to zero when it's trying to get through an error. Some brand new DVDs are notorious for having a few read problems -- e.g., The West Wing season 2 I forget which disc, The Sopranos season 4 disc 2, even The Butterfly Effect - Director's Cut. With all three of those (and a few others), Decrypter was able to eventually read them all the way through and I WAS eventually able to burn the back-ups successfully.

    I can't open Decrypter at the moment 'cause I'm using Shrink, but look through its choices for "read errors" and tell it to keep trying. You mentioned that Decrypter "couldn't finish the read" but could you be more specific? Did it freeze up (or seem to, if it got really really slow) or stop and tell you it got an error (I've never had this happen) or what?

    Anyway, keep trying & keep us posted.
  5. Northernr

    Northernr Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    yeah, it was about half way through reading the disc
    and it just froze up and hung their till the error message came up.

    DVD shrink encountered an error and cannot continue.
    Failed to read file "E:"
    data error (cyclic redundancy check)

    i tried several times starting with shrink, and then
    i tried with decrypter and kept getting same message
    in the same spot!
  6. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    The only other possibility I can think of is to use DVD Rescue from 321studios. I don't have experience with it myself, but others in this forum have and apparently it's worked on even "impossible" discs.

    You might also try borrowing the DVD from another source so you can see if that disc has the same error as your original. Maybe you just got a bad disc (maybe you can return it to the store?).
  7. Northernr

    Northernr Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    well i finally got past the error messages using decrypter but now i dont know how to burn the movie from off my hard drive?

    yes im a noob and i use shrink to read the dvd and decrypter to burn it (its all automatic) and now that i have the files on my hard drive i dont know how to burn with decrypter.

    when i try, i get the message that the file is to big to fit on the source dvd.

    it really wouldnt bother me if i could fit this movie on two dvd's

    the files on my hard drive are as follows:
    VIDEO_TS <- 6.63GB
    MOVIE <-winRAR archive file 6.63GB

    if anyone could give me some simple instructions on how to do this i would sure appreciate it!!
  8. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Now that Decrypter has ripped the movie to your hard drive, you can use Shrink to compress the files to fit on one DVD-R or DVD+R. I'd suggest preparing another hard drive folder called "shrunk_files" or something like that. Open Shrink, then instead of choosing "Open Disc," choose "Open Files" since it looks like you ripped it in file mode in Decrypter (I can tell because you now have a video_ts folder full of files). Shrink will then open the video_ts folder. It will do its quick analysis, which normally takes only a minute or two. Then it can go straight into encoding OR it can do a deep analysis and then encode. If there's a lot of compression, I'd have Shrink do the deep analysis, which will take longer but will include quality a lot. (Check the "deep analysis" box in the backup options tab in the "Backup!" command in Shrink.) If you're going to burn with Decrypter, you'll need to have Shrink turn your video_ts folder full of files into one very large .iso file. Click "Backup!", then on the "Target Device" tab choose ".iso disk image" and tell Shrink where you want it to put it (e.g., the "shrunk files" folder you created earlier). Click OK and Shrink will do its work, then (if you have it set up this way) will open Decrypter for the burn.

    BTW I'm not sure why you ended up with a "MOVIE <-winRAR archive file" of 6.63gigs, as you wrote -- or is that really what you STARTED with instead of a disc? :-( I apologize if I'm wrong, but a winRAR archive file sounds like a download? I can't figure out any other way you'd end up with that file as you wouldn't get it from Shrink or Decrypter. Please enlighten us.
  9. Northernr

    Northernr Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    i am encoding right now as per your instructions so hopefully that will work out for me, thanks!

    and as for the winRAR files, that is what ends up in
    my dvdtemp folder and inside the winRAR file is the video_ts and audio_ts folders.

    my rips have always been working right with shrink and
    decrypter unless im doing something wrong?
  10. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Good, it sounds like the process is working.

    I still can't figure out how you got the WINRAR files unless your system is set up to automatically back up everything you do (the WINRAR files sound like a back-up of the DVD -- you basically have the movie twice, once in the video_ts folder and once as a WINRAR archive file -- and when you use Shrink, you'll now have three copies, the third being a shrunk/compressed copy). So my last piece of advice would be to make sure you delete everything once you get a successful burn (checked both in your computer AND in at least one stand-alone DVD player) -- otherwise you're going to run out of hard drive space pretty quickly!! And be sure to run "Disk Clean-up" after deleting (on programs menu / accessories / system tools) to really delete everything off the hard drive; sometimes files look like they're deleted but they're really just sitting in your recycle bin taking up a ton of space (6.63gb + 6.63gb + ~4.4gb [Shiunk version] = 17.66gb for this one DVD in your case).
  11. Northernr

    Northernr Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    yeah, i always delete everything out and i have norton system works too and it took me a little while to figure out to not just empty the recycle bin but to also empty the norton protected files.
    and as for the winRAR that is the ISO file, it just shows up in winexplorer as winRAR?
    but yeah, everything is working great again!
  12. salvara85

    salvara85 Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    I need help........
    Im trying to decrypt "The Butterfly Effect" but i keep getting, data error (cyclic redundancy check), what can i do
  13. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    (1) You should have started a new thread -- your question isn't much related to the thread you added to. (2) Anyway, are you by any chance trying to back up the director's cut side of "The Butterfly Effect"? Lots of people had trouble with that including me (the theatrical side was fine). I was able to get through it, finally, by ripping the whole thing to my hard drive with DVD Decrypter -- I think it found several read errors but I have it set up to try a few times, then ignore them & go on. After Decrypter got through all the files, I had Shrink compress them, then I was able to burn. But Decrypter took a long time on the disc. I think there must have been a manufacturing glitch on that disc because so many people had trouble with it.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H. -- Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/Service Pack 1, Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM for ripping/encoding, Sony external DRX-530UL for burning, Shrink or Decrypter + RecordNow[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2004

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