Hi I jsut finsihed encoding a movie through donvertxtodvd v.3 and then when i started to burn i immediately got this message that said something liek this is an evaluation version not for public distrivution. In the log it says "no files in the submitted path..." And when i try to add a different file that i ahve already converted via nero (soo its in the Ts format) it says unknown file format"
Hi it hink i just had a bad version of the convertxtodvd v.3 cuz i just burnt the exact same file with v.2 and it worked fine
I was just looking at your originl post again...Nero Vision and ConverxtoDVD, they do the same thing. If you have the video_ts folder after you convert with NV, you don't use ConvertxToDVD to burn, you use ImgBurn or a nero burning engine.
@ Rotary Is the final v3 out or still RC2? I had no luck with those RMVBs. The last vesion 2 recognized the RM support, but then the final product was just audio and a green screen with black lines!
no its just called V3/RC2 at version (can buy code though for full) think you can use old code though? they just want to have people test for them + get more cash = nice lol
Hi, ConvertXtoDVD v2.99.11.700 (RC3) is being worked on now. Let's hope RC3 comes out this week or next week, with the fix of all the bugs identifed in RC2. Then I hope we will have a little bit of time to test drive RC3 and see if something else comes up. So I assume within the next few weeks, we should see v3.00 Official, but I am not a VSO Official so it's all I know for now.