Hi Guys Just tried flashing a new image to my daughters sagem dbox2 changed all the ip adresses etc but it comes up "dbox has encountered an error and has to close" so it's not letting me connect to the box at all.Is it something that i'm doing any ideas would be appreciated,i'm pulling my hair out,please help. Chaggy
Hi Mate That's what I tried to do but half way through the process that message came up encoutered an error.
"half way through" do you mean the LCD on the Dbox says that it is flashing, but then fails half way through? If your dbox is not getting the flashing message then check the IP settings.
Use a additional nullmodem cable and check the log output. You can get a nullmodem cable via ebay for 0.99
Already have nullmodem cable, never experienced this problem before have flashed images before without any problems but this one is confusing me.
Hi Mate When i'm in IFA half way through the flashing process the message comes up "Dbox_Boot.exe has encontered a problem and needs to close" and that's the end of that.I'm just wondering if the IFA files have become corrupt.Can anyone tell me where the best place to download a new IFA from or possibly any other ideas on how to resolve this problem please. Chaggy
Hi Guys Thank for all who helped everything is ok now I deleated the IFA files and downloaded a new one and it's now ok,flashed a new image without any problems. Chaggy