This has happened every time I burn a DVD with DVDLab Pro: I make sure the buttons in each of the 2 screens I have as Main Menu link to the correct Movie, and I even preview it and works as supposed. But as soon as I burn the DVD, when I try to use the DVD in my home DVD player, one or two of the menu buttons link to the wrong movie. Am I doing something wrong or is it an existing bug in DVD Lab Pro? Regards, Ernesto.
Ernesto, A tip before compiling: go to the connections tab and check from there that all menues link to the proper destinations. A tip before burning 1: open the project (usually the Video_TS folder) with your favorite DVD program (I use PowerDVD) and check that all menus work as desired A tip before burning 2: select a re-writable media, especially if the project is new and not a copy from an old one Hope it helps
There is no "button assignment bug" in DLP, so it's something you're doing (or not doing). Always test in a good software dvd player before burning!