Errors while trying to burn.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Abiezar, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Abiezar

    Abiezar Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    I just bought my first dvd drive/burner. I have tried burning a Video_TS folder using Nero and I have also tried making an IMG file with Shrink and then using Decryptor to burn it. But both of these methods have given me errors. Nero just tells me the burn failed, about 10 seconds after starting the burn. Decryptor gives me the following error.

    I/O Error!

    Device:[1:0:0]LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1213S TS05(d:)

    ScscStatus: 0x02
    Interpretation:Check Condition

    CDB:2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
    Interpretation: Write(10) - Sectors:0-15

    Sense Area: 10 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 00 00
    Interpretaion:Command Sequence Error

    I found a similar post on these boards that basically said it was the dvd's themselves that were bad. I am using Memorex dvd's. They always worked fine for me with cd's so I didn't know any better when buying them. I now see that other brands are recommended over them.

    I tried using ForceASPI and also updating my Firmware from LiteOn. The ForceASPI seems to install fine. But the Firmware didn't look good. It reached 100% but then afterwards said it was unable to flash the new firmware. So I tried again and now it says that it's already updated and does not need to be run.

    I'm thinking this isn't a a software problem as both Nero and Decryptor didn't work. So it's probably something with my drive and the way it's installed is my best guess.

    Can anyone provide some insight?

    Thanks, I appreciate any help you can offer.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2004
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    FYI ... An improperly flashed drive and ruin the drive.

    Hopefully your drive isn't ruined. Did you install Nero's InCD? If so uninstall it. What aspi layer did you install? Can you post your specific steps using Shrink w/ Nero and Shrink w/ Decrypter? Can you post your system specs?
  3. Abiezar

    Abiezar Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Hey Flip, thanks for your reply.

    No, I do not have Nero InCD installed nor have I ever.

    I used ForceASPI 1.7 to install ASPI Layer v4.60.

    I used Nero as a stand alone to try and burn the vob, ifo, and bup files. I followed the guide posted on this site exactly. Selecting to burn a new DVD Video, then adding the files to the Video_TS folder of the new complilation, then starting the burn. It starts what appears to be the burn process but within just a few seconds it stop and says burn failed. I noticed on the onscreen log it says "disc changed" as the only thing that stands out as strange. I was unable to find this error on google or afterdawn. Then also if I try again shortly there after I get an error "buffer too large" instead of the "disc changed" error. This I was able to find a few things about but nothing that helps the problem at all. I can create/post the straight logs from Nero if that would be of help, but as they are so long I will refrain unless anyone asks for them.

    I then used Shrink to make an ISO image file. Then I went into Decryptor, changed the mode to ISO->Write, browse to the ISO file, make sure to unselect Verify as I have seen recommended in various posts on these boards, then attempt to burn. Within seconds of it starting I get the message that I pasted in my last post.

    The Firmware update appeared to finish completely and did not say that it was unable to flash it until I was closing the update application. If I restart the update it shows my version as currently being TS08 where as previously it said TS05. It still plays DVD's just fine, if that matters at all.

    Not sure what specs you want so here is everything I can think of.
    OS:Win XP Pro
    Burner: LiteOn 1213S ± 12x
    CPU:AMD Athlon XP 2600
    MB:Chaintech, not sure of model number. Can go
    digging for the box if necessary.
    HD:200Gb Seagate
    VideoCard:Geforce 4

    Thanks for looking at my problem. Really appriciate any help or advice.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2004
  4. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    What brand of media are you using?
  5. Abiezar

    Abiezar Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Memorex. I had always used that brand of CD R's so I didn't know any better at the time I bought them. I have since read on these boards that I should be avoiding Memorex.

    I've gone through about 5 of them so far and all have the same problem. Could the brand really be causing this much trouble?
  6. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Yes ...

    This was written by ScubaPete:
  7. Abiezar

    Abiezar Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Wow I really had no idea it could be such a problem. I'll go ahead and try a few more out and then go get some better quality ones.

    Thanks very much Flip and ScubaPete!

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