Errors with Rebuilder

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by klemperal, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. klemperal

    klemperal Regular member

    Jan 30, 2007
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    So I followed the guide installing rebuilder and all that, but then when I actually try running ripped video through it I keep getting errors from HC saying "MPEG2 encoder has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Any ideas on whats giong wrong?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2007
  2. ebega

    ebega Regular member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    Are you using DVD-RB Pro or the free version? Did you use the installer? Can you post a log from RB? I had this problem once with CCE, and in my log it said "AviSynth unkown", or something to that effect, even though I had AviSynth installed. So I just uninstalled Avisynth and DVD-RB Pro and re-installed DVD-RB Pro. The installer will automatically recognize that Avisynth is not installed and install it for you prior to installing RB. A link for the installer for the free version is located below. If you are using the Pro version, you should have gotten an email with the link for the download.

    DVD-RB Free:

    The installer will take care of setting up most of RB for you, including the free encoders.
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    In setup check to see that the path to DGdecode.dll is selected.
  4. klemperal

    klemperal Regular member

    Jan 30, 2007
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    I'll check it out once I reinstall the free version. I got frustrated and took it off the computer because I figured the problem was with using programs like vobblanker and pgcedit before RB. I had read a post on doom9 by jdobs that eluded these type of programs would "butcher" the video and would cause RB to run into errors. After reading the posts on here though it's plain to see alot of people edit video before using RB with the same types of programs and aren't having trouble, so I'm pretty sure thats not the problem. I'll let you guys know tomarrow when I have more time to set things back up and play with the program.
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It is true that programs such as VOB blanker can render a DVD non compliant but most errors usually occur during setup. The installer version has largely corrected those errors but they still happen.

    I've always set RB up manually to insure that everything is where and how I like it, but on occasion I forget a small task here and there that results in encoding problems and usually a quick review of setup resolves it.

    BTW, if you want to get into editing your DVD's it might be wise to learn RB's features before utilizing applications such as VOB blanker. But if your curiosity continuously drives you to want to edit them yourself then look in to an application called DVDremake, it has all of the features of VOB blanker plus many extras
  6. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    There's a couple of free programs that come in handy as well. Some "butchery" (resulting in DVD compliance problems) can be repaired with FixVTS. The quick analysis scan that DVD Shrink does when you open files is a good compliance test. If the quick analysis finishes, the files are usually compliant and will work in RB.

    What program(s) are you using to decrypt your files? For a test to make sure your program is working properly, encode a movie without editing the files to see if everything works properly? That is if you're still interested at this late date.

    Now if you're into editing, DVDReMake would be hard to beat. I wouldn't question what everyone says about it. I have a copy of Remake Pro myself.
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If one knows how DVDremake can repair a damaged edit and make it compliant by restoring broken PGC chains.

    BTW, FixVTS is a great little app.

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