I see the channel is launched today and it will have the football this season, does anyone have it on there Starview, if so what is the frequency please? If nobody has it yet, will we be able to scan it, as it's Free to Virgin XL Customers, no joy yet for me when I scanned earlier. Cheers, appreciate any help.
Yeah it's there, jut press the green button do the channel scan. Will appear on 527. Not sure if the ESPN HD channel is about
Maybe you're talking about a different box, pressing the green button on the SV4 doesn't give you any options
Green button works on Starview 2. I did a scan, but have picked up 2 ESPN channels instead of 4. One of them says EPSN will launch at 8pm tonight, and the other just says stay tuned sports fans a message from Virgin. Is anyone else getting this? Can't see EPSN America and not sure out of the channels i have which is HD/ESPN Classics...
the green button on the SV2 was an error with the firmware, once clicked it started to scan. You wont get ESPN HD on a SV2, if its in the HD stream, a euro HD will pick it up. you will only get whats in the standard SD stream.
Oh ok mate cheers, so I guess I'll have to wait till 8pm tonight lol and see if this channel comes on. How many of the 4 EPSN channels then should I recieve with a starview 2? Thanks
Im on nthell in dublin my SV4 not picking up ESPN after rescan.K/V,s not picking them up either.the K/V,s have been on power search mode for four houres still no ESPN.If its still like this tomorrow then i will look into it further.It,s a bit early for me to be ruffling my feathers about this one.
The new ESPN Channel isn't available in Ireland yet. Negotiations between Irish providers and ESPN are still ongoing.
My mate works for N*L Ireland and he was telling me that they have no plans to carry this station but this could change in the near future...
No provider in Ireland is broadcasting the new ESPN channel currently so you won't pick it up, regardless of the box you have.