Hi just got an error message " this unit has developed a fault do not attempt to reprogram it" anyone got a clue box about 2 months old
Yes mate u havnt got the new updated firmware on it ? There is a fix out by the manufacturers because of a loader issue ! get the fix on the eko.4 link under my post, but it could be too late !!
Its a shame that the firmware is knackering up the eurovox V As it is a very new box and its not nice if you have only just gone and bought one . Ive told all my people about it And they got it right in time thank god !
Too true Main but at least you warned you people in time It wasnt actually the firmare alone that has knackered the boxes the problem was with the loaders, (dnupman and voxer), when used on a Max V. In future all updates will be straight to the box with no loader. You can still use dnupman and voxer for channel dumps and editing though.
So true mate ( i ment the loaders as previously mentioned, just getting a bit tired now, long day ... lol ) Do u have a channel dump for euro max V Mate ?
Same here still in work time to call it a day. I have a cdf at home for the Eurovox I dont think you will need a specific cdf for the MaxV as any Eurovox one will do. I have mine sorted since the recent frequency change. And I have all the FAVS sorted as well. When I get home I will post it here with a description of the groups. I will also upload to Eamos then. Obviously it is a Dublin one