can any one help me sort the problem with my box eurovox ex5100 pvr out it keeps defualting to reset when i switch it on with my Tv, seems to be getting confused with channels, can i switch auto sort off?? Thanks
Pressing fav's on the eurovox remote will sort it into cat order, if you press TV on your eurovox remote it will sort them into alphabetical order. What exactly do you want to do?.
when the box has been on stand by for a number of hours it seems to switch it's self off and reset and keeps flashing to the blank digets---- then keeps switching to channel---3 and I have to reset the box on the switch at the back as then it losses all it setting and I canot record anything when I use the timer!! Thanks
can any1 plz help i just gat a box few weeks ago and recording was working well until the pvr just stopped working, anytime i try to go to the pvr screen its just stalls then turns the box of, its also deleted all my recordings and just left 1 that i gat go into and another with all letters and the little heart beside it, any help thanks
am flashing my ex5100 at the mo but it wont go passed 0% on the sending part. does anyone have any idea's