This is my mates box and when it is pluged in at my house it works perfect...What could be the problem?
pfr108 in your mates house is he using splitters? if so try running the cable from the box on the wall straight to the eurovox, this should fix his problem.
Weak signal Causesoor quality cable, poor quality splitter, poor quality booster. Bad connections, etc
Thanks for the replies...He has three of these boxes and where all working fine up until a week ago, He has had them for about six months with no problems before hand, He has tried them with no splitters but to no avail, I put the latest software on one of them at my house and worked fine bu when he took it home he still has the same problem
I forgot to say that he tried my starview the box super and a eurovox blue at his and all works fine...Do you think if it had older firmware uploaded to his EX5000 pvr it may sort it?
All sorted now...I told him to buy a Variable Aerial Attenuator...He did and it is working perfect now, Thanks for the replies and hope this helps other users with the same problem that he had ATVB pfr...