hi guys first time to try a eurovox. i connected the cable to the pc and box opened up the n2 fix software and pressed download ,memup pops up with com3 and start. i press start and menu says the reciever was not detected. any help would be greatfull.
http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-59/only_boxs_working_in_ireland_hints_and_tips-updated-782583/ you prob need to download drivers or assign a port, as ya dont state what you are trying to flash the box with, XP, Vista or using a null modem cable etc scroll down the above you will see the post for drivers and ports how to assign them
mickah, thanks mate i was on vista with usb adapter. the driver was not working. sorted and flashed thanks to yourself. one question i downloaded scOuser,s channel dump {thanks scOuser } so do i have to scan or will it pick up the stations? i ask coz i,m at work and cat test it till tomorrow. thanks for all your help m8.