i can get all chanels but cannot record hard drive says full or not installed can anyone help me. oz.
Turn off the box and take the HD out. Put it back in and make sure to press firmly, use both thumbs, one on either side to ensure it goes in evenly. That error message means it is not in properly in my experience, if its damaged ull just get a second or two of a recording, no messages. Dont change or remove the HD with the box switched on
Ah, in that case im stumped... Is it definitely pushed in far enough? When i was setting mine up i thought i was going to break something with the force i had to press it in with. Only other thing i can think is if its the recommended brand HD, with the 5000pvr they said to use only Western Digital with no more than 120gb, not sure whether thats the same with the 5100pvr but that could be another reason