I've got a Eurovox plus, cable service from NTL, i went to watch prem plus yesterday and the channel was just black.. and nothing was on. So i did a full power scan to see if it would pick the channel up again. This didn't work.. i've not lost all the channels. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong now? I do a full power scan and it wont pick up a single channel. Does anyone know what i need to do to get the channels back? Please help! Thanks
You will have to delete all the channels and then do auto scan. Dont do the power scan. Once you do auto scan most of your channels should come.(If you mean euro vox max). if dont then you will have to manually put frequencey of channels you want. Let me know if youre using euro vox max, then i can help you with it.
hey, hope you don't mind me crashing this thread..... cablemtk - any chance you could help me finding some channels that have dropped off (mostly sky sports stuff...) I'm using a euro max, but am a bit confused about doing an auto scan, i've only ever done power...so not sure how to go about it.... any help will be mucho greatfully recieved ) cheers. stu
cablemtk thanks for your help! I've got it all sorted now! it was a eurovox max, didnt mean plus - dont think theres sucha thing!! Anyway all sorted now! thanks again!
Hi there follow the procedure below Press Menu go to installation the user installation enter pin which is (0000) then press red button on your remote. You will then be doing auto scan best would be to delet all the channels first and then do autoscan
cheers fella... when you mean delete channels, do you mean just the channels that ain't working....or clear ALL the channels ?? stu
No dont clear all channels, Just delete all channels by going into channel manager. They are two different things.
Sorry also for jumping on thread - wonder if you can help me also mate. I have a Eurovox and it works no problem at all, I have bought several and installed them with no problem - until recently! The last one I bought was for a mate, I tried it at his house and on the power scan all I could get was a couple of frequencies and about 6 channels repeating over and over bout 40times. My solution was to take the box to my house and scan at mine - save channels and sorted. When I search at my house I'm getting NO channels on his box, even though I can scan mine 2 mins later and get 330 channels. I even tried typing in the 36 frequencies I get into his box but to no avail. Any suggestions mate? I was wondering if I can unblock or summit if thats the problem.
hi gilroys Mate best stuff is to do the AUTO SCAN, coz Power Scan got lots of bull**** thats why you are getting many channels repeated, Next is make sure all your connections (At your mates house) to the box are right and firm. (Double Check) Go into Menu then Cnfig Then System Information Let me know the software details may be sumthing wrong with software, Check software against your other boxes. Before doing auto scan delete the channels from your box by going into channels and pressing delete all channels