Eurovox problem- help!!

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by flashbhoy, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. flashbhoy

    flashbhoy Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    B4 any1 shouts me down, Im v. new to this and couldnt find an appropriate thread. Prob is that I couldnt find ESPN sports on my eurovox, even after doing a channel search. So through 'Installation' i went ot power scan and changed from normal to full. this started a new search which ultimately solved my prob but i now have over 700 channel instead of usual 400ish. All my channel numebr are mixed up. I then changed back to 'normal' and researched via channel mgr. But i still have over 700 channel, mostly blank or unamed channels. Can anyone tell me how to get this back to the way it was before when I at least knew the numbers for each channel. Im in Glasgow on Virgin.
  2. becki2102

    becki2102 Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    just use your favs, menu channels, add favourites, then once youve put them in catagories its easy to put them in order using fav manager. some flashes have auto sort on them but depends what model box u have.


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