Hi there does any body know where I can get the set up for a eurovox box and what remote set up to enter any secret menu and what to do from there. I have a eurovox with missing channels any help?
What model is it 2006, 2007 or 2008. To enter the CAS screen press menu then language settings. Type 1968 on remote this will bring you to the emu screen. If you press 1968 again it will bring you to the key screens. What channels are you missing and what are your provider details and general location.
Hi I can not say at present;the reason being is I was asked to fit up a DVD/VCR player to a TV I am a TV service engineer nearly retired and when connecting all the equipment up I was asked to fix a eurovox box that had lost some S** ports channel and the location is Plymouth and I think the unit is about 2 years old any help?
Without more info all I can say is ask them to do an autoscan, during a recent VM shuffle some channels have been renamed they may actually be in their channel list named as TV***, (*** indicates a number), they will have a few channels named like this tell them to look through them to find their missing channels,