hi guys, a eurovox with all the correct frequencies programmed exactly like my one downstairs but when u do either a manual or autoscan it brings down no channels. Although i have a green line to show ive good signal quality???????
The quickest fix is to bring the box downstairs to where the other one is. Plug it in there, and do your scan, when you have all the channels scanned in, bring it back upstairs. The long term solution is to but a decent booster. Search the forums, there have been links posted before, I just don't have any to hand at the moment.
tried that mate,still wont work. As i said i have the frequencies all ok, but wont bring down any chanels when u do either manual or auto scan. Very wierd
Thats confusing what provider are you on I presume you are in Dublin by your nick Make sure emulation is on. Press menu, press language settings, type 1968 on remote and make sure emulation is on.
You have two threads going on two different subjects but still about Eurovox which is confusing me Have you checked emulation is on as per my previous post.
Sorry mate please excuse. yes i have to seperate boxes acting up, box1= wont power up box2=is correctly programmed but wont pick up any channels when u do an autoscan,but emulation is enabled with emm capture disabled. In system information menu when trying to sort box one, i type 1968 then option 1 or 2? Box3= fine and dandy for past 2 years
No problem sorry not in front of the TV are you downloading from one working red box to the one stuck on standby, tell me the two options you are presented with.
tried the null modem cable on both faulty boxes,pressing that button on baseboard doesnt get the box out of standy mode. then did the other box have all the stations but no picture
OK lets sort one at a time for the box that has sound but no pictures: 1) Connect Eurovox to TV using TV/VCR coax aerial connection on back of box. 2) Plug Eurovox into mains and switch on. 3) Tune your TV into channel 170. 4) You will see a request to enter a PIN – use the master PIN 1004. 5) Enter Menu and go to ‘Config’. 6) Go to ‘Clear Data’. 7) Enter PIN – 1004 8) Go to ‘Factory Default’, click OK. 9) Click on your Symbol rate, I presume it is N** 6887, press OK. 10) Click OK when the warning comes up. 11) Exit and then load your ‘Channel File’.
i dont have any sound or picture,just channels now in the channel manager but no picture to the right after doing the box transfer with null modem cable. funny enought though i have a green dot on the front of box and can scroll thru channels but getting nought
Click on the link in Scousers post ... SV EV Info http://www.freewebs.com/dooby2oon/ Then "click me for jtag info EVox and SView"
Thought you said you knew all about these boxes Only joking you need to either make or buy a jtag to connect to your boxes to rewrite the tsop chip. There are two different methods dependent upon your chipset.
im off now for the night, wouldnt have a clue about jtagging, does anyone offer the service? im brutal with a soldering iron. il be on 2m evening, many thanks