Every app crashes? Error reports after blue screen crash

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Leema01, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Leema01

    Leema01 Guest

    everytime i open a app such as msn or firefox i get a Error report message this happens with every app.It started to happen after a blue screen message then my pc restartet.

    please help i have a Cida and Dida corse to complete
  2. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Have you ran the typical antivirus/anti-ad/spyware programs to make sure the system is clean?
  3. Leema01

    Leema01 Guest

    thx it turned out when i installed ma other hardrives and transfered some programs i deleted AVG by mistake ,so i managed to get AVG back and spybot and everything works now.

    thanks a lot ;)
  4. tabletpc

    tabletpc Guest

    funny you do relize that spybot is a piece of spyware

    this is why i use ad-aware
  5. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    tabletpc, what are you on about ?
    Spybot is one of the best freeware spyware cleaners there is.

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