I have used Nero, TMPGEnc DVD Author and now DVD Santa! everytime im done converting the wmv files to Vob files i try to burn them on the DVD and it gives me the error that 'put in a blankn DVD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW and I have bought 2 blank DVD's and im still getting this error! whats wrong?
this is the DVD burner I have: AOpen DUW1608/ARR DVD-Writer apparently a site says this about my DVD writer: AOpen Europe (NL) was kind enough to send us their latest DVD-writer the AOpen DUW1608/ARR. This drive supports 16x DVD+R writing, 8x DVD-R and 2.4x DVD+R9 DL writing technology, allowing dual layer discs of 8.5Gb to be written. I inserted a DVD-R into the Drive so does this mean that I can only insert DVD+R only? if so does it matter what king like if the DVD says DVD+R 4x?
Your Burner can Burn every type of Burnable Media on the Market accept DVD-R DL which are Like $10-$15 each so i wouldn"t be Burning Dual Layered DVD"s anyways.... If you allready have the Video_TS folder created By "Tmpgenc DVD Author" then all you need to do is Burn the Folder to DVD in DVD Video Mode useing something like "Nero"...Make sure the "Video_TS" folder is under 4.38gb or it will not fit.... Cheers
ok my files size is 2.0Gb and once again i tried it right now and I got the error from DVD Santa saying " Please insert a blank DVD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW disc!"
Try useing an Actual Burning program Like Nero as Opposed to the crappy Burning Modules Built into Programs Like DVD-Santa... When you used "Tmpgenc DVD Author" and probably DVD Santa it Created a "Video_TS" Folder which is what you need to burn to DVD in DVD Video Mode.....
thats exactly what i did, i made the Video_ts folder using dvdsanta and used nero to burn it on the dvd but now the DVD pauses a lot! this is the burner i have :AOPEN DUW1608/ARR, i dont know why its pausing so much can u help
Well first Play the VideoTS folder on your PC useing something like PowerDVD or WinDVD and see if you get the Stop/Start problem with the Video_TS before Burning it..... If the VideoTS Plays Fine on your PC then i think the Problem is From either Burning at too high of a Speed or from useing Low Quality Media or a Combination of the Two because that is the effect you get when there are errors on the DVD from Bad media or Burning too fast.... If the Video_TS Folder Plays The same way on your PC as it does on your DVD Player then the problem must be the way the File was encoded when Createing the Video_TS Folder in which case I suggest you use different Software to create DVD"s...DVD Santa is Crappy software anyways which is Geared towards ease of Use as Opposed to Quality of the Video.... Good Luck
ok thanks! ur right its the media because if i use power dvd it plays fine but not on my dvd player, so its the media and i was burning at pretty high speed aswell! thanks for ur advice!