Hello all. I was just wondering what everyone's fastest methods are for burning a DVD-9 to a DVDR...Right now I am using Shrink with Nero, which works perfectly...Just asking around here to discover any faster alternatives to my method. Thanx.
using another program will not be any faster. Upgrading your computer is about the only way. You should just stick with what your using, since it works.
Your question has no validity, unless you wish to mail everyone the exact same DVD so that the size will be the exact - then provide everyone with a PC, all with the same configuration - So far all you have done is to waste my time trying to get a point across, engage brain before activating keyboard - Cruise around Neo, read other threads, you can't help but pick up a ton of knowledge - maybe something that will help with your burning speed - Pete
(Wish you guys stayed quiet, He was considering shipping us free notebooks to run his study, we could have made out like Bandits - lol ) [bold]"Napalm",[/bold] I really like that one Nephilim, you're a man after my own heart - I do like the way you think, he,he
(I was going to tell him to put some Mexican peppers under his "Enter" key to truly fire that "Bad Boy" right up)