I softmodded my xbox a couple weeks ago and had unleashedx and evox on there and everything was working fine, FTP, the whole nine yards. However, today I was messing around on the menus on unleashedx and pressed reformat on the F drive, which I now know I shouldn't have because that cause unleashedx to stop working. After that I was working with evox and was trying to get unleashedx back and for some stupid idea I deleted the evox.ini and the evoxdash.xbe file. Now my xbox only starts up with the logo screen and I can't FTP to it anymore. It will still play burned games and movies, but it never goes to a menu screen. What programs do I need and where do I get them?
what did u softmod your xbox with because if i put my splintercell back in i go back to the softmod screen and can ftp from there....