ok, i just started to download EvoX auto installer. do i burn it onto a regular CD-ROM or DVD? its about 350 MB in size, what do i have to do to get it working.
either are fine i believe as long as it's -rw for some reason. can I ask where you found evoX auto installer trying to chase it down myself
i got it from a newsgroup, i request it through ftp. does anyone have a guide or instructions on how to load it up? i am looking to mod my xbox without actually have to put a mod chip in it has anyone tried it? _X_X_X_X_X_[small]i love you[/small]
If you aren't going to be using a mod chip,then you will probably have to do a TSOP mod then. Or the audio hack....either way you will be opening you box and disabling the copyright protection on the mobo.
boo, i hate opening my xbox..so paranoid of frying it. are you sure i have to open it, cause i gotthe phantasy star online keyboard USB adapter kit, then put the memory stick in the usb and xbox reads it as physical memory right? then put the run linux hack or whatever for the mech assault game on the mem stick, run linux then FTP the EvoX to the xbox... as the new dash and WHAM i get the 3rd party program that lets me boot burned thingies..right?
You will still have to dis able the copyright protection on the xbox to run the burned (backed up) games.
so you say i can disable the copyright from the motherboard? and play backed up or burned games on it without a modchip? KOOL!!! can you give me a site i can go to on how to do that
what the hell. no, you can't the xbox green dashboard won't let you do it, you would need a 3rd party program. and ya how would i disable it, is there a guide somewhere?