I bought my XBOX from a friend. And it came with EvoX already installed. It didn't come with any back-up cd's or anything. Befor it crashed it had a couple of options like "Play From HDD" and "Play DVD" and now all it has is the like "Go To Microsoft DB" and "Reboot" is there a way I can fix this? Please reply or email me at perfecttekniq@yahoo.com. I am even on XBOX LIVE usually playing Halo 2 also under the name, PerfectTekniq. Thanks a bunch guys.
no email adresses against the rules,but it sounds like your INI file got changed somehow does it have a chip or is it softmodded becuase if its softmodded.either way you should still be able to ftp to your xbox and fix what is broken....
Sorry about the email ><, its a hardmod that I paid a chunk of money for. I'm trying to fix it, I just have no idea how too...
Ok. try to download the auttoinstaller by following the link below. Then burn it to CD/DVD. Xbox will boot it. It has everything you need. http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EEFlluEFylIIJaJNOf.php
Hi, im trying to softmod my xbox, and i wasnt going to ask people on forums (usualy because they get mad for some reason...), but after searching for 6h, almost straight, im a bit tired of this... Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I downloaded that file you told me to download, then i put it on DVD disk, and then i loaded it onto my xbox, and it couldn't recognize the disk...any suggestions?
same hear, i cant FTP to ms dash, and my evo-x wont boot, i think i need to flash my bios somehow, without autoprogramer or something. I dunno try to help us :0
Ok I will softmod it. I already have Mechassault (non-platinum hits) and I always see softmodding always done with Splinter Cell, is there a reason why people always use Splinter Cell or does it even matter, thanks cereal for answering all my questions.
hm...i guess i'll go buy splinter cell then...i can get it at EB Games for like $5. i'll be contacting u later cereal when i dont know how to open the green xbox case.