Where can I find [bold]EvoX[/bold] for my Xbox, ive looked for 5 bloody days, and i wanna get my games rollin on my 250gb hd i just installed..... can someone plz tell me
Look around the torrents for an xbox installer disk..slayers2.6..xwizard..bonesx..360hackers..theres loads of them..
ey ´guys´, iam not english or american so I appologise for my writing. I have installed evolutionx on my xbox. everything works fine except I cant sign myself up for xbox live. what can be the problem?????? everytime I try to create a new account or to recover it in MS Dash I see a green disk turning. and the menu shut down to original evox menu.is it an software problem?? my connection is a direct connection. my pc is not connected to the xbox or router. is this neccessary? pls help me!!!?!!
OOoooh... maybe you got banned! Live with evox, are you using a chip as well? or did you do the softmod exactly as in the tutorial