I've searched for hours now and I cant find a copy of the evox m8 bios. PLEASE help. I'm going crazy!!!! Can someone email me a site or something? email is ghettofbls925@yahoo.com
here. you need to register before you're allowed to download. Free of course!! http://www.x-b-o-x.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=71
This site also has the download available but like before you need to register. I checked out the link I sent earlier and it seems the site is still down. http://www.xboxstation.com/index.php
Well u just would'nt credit it, the link which did not seem to work now works. But does'nt matter now.
try this link but u will have to download bit torrent first. http://www.juegostorrent.com/torrents/xbox/SlaYers_EvoX_Auto-Installer_v2.6_FINAL-exe.torrent it will take a while to download. I think it took me 1 or 2 days.