Evox / Skins Issue

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Evander1, May 9, 2006.

  1. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I've been running into some unusual problems trying to softmod my second xbox. When I use SID to install EvoX, it doesn't install a "skin" folder, so I have no way to add addtional skins. To solve this, I use AID to re-install the EvoX and at this point the "skin" folder and trainers are included. However, using this method makes other changes that render the Knave's open tray boot and the MS Dash useless. At this point, I must restore the original configuration from backup which again removes the "skin" folder.

    Does anyone know why SID 4.5 doesn't install the skin folder with EvoX? Also, is there a way to add the skins folder manually and have Evox recognize the skins? When I make the folder myself via FTP, evox doesn't see it.
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I see this 5 or 6 times a week...basically sid is flawed..and aid isnt IMHO much better...they aren't compatable...the skins on a softmod work totally differently, they go in the E:\dashboard folder next to evox.ini
    in a nice folder all thier own called skins...there is probably one there anyway..the dash already has a skin..and it will be in that folder..get the ftp going and make life easy..
  3. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    Yeah, I figured it was there somewhere. I placed them into a few folders named skins, but it still won't recognize them. It might be deeper in the file folders.

    A bigger problem that I have run into is that the AID disks that I am creating are either corrupt or the DVD drive on my xbox is not reading them properly. I keep getting a batch error when I try to re-soft mod..... Looks like I'll be chipping soon.

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