evox trainers app for unleash users learn how to make it yourself with this tut

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by mav777777, May 23, 2006.

  1. mav777777

    mav777777 Member

    May 21, 2006
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    alright people many people have been having trouble running trainers, mainly those who rather the unleash X dash board.

    my opinon that unleash is far better then the evox dash due to the simple fact that every thing is already built in. minus the trainers the whole point to this dash board conversion.

    there are quite a few steps that you will need to take to make this work.

    1. obtain a copy of an evox dash board, there is a few way to do this you can simply get it from its noraml sources or if you soft modded your self or have a soft modded box present, you can simply jsut go in to your favorit FTP program and ftp the file that contains your softmod file exploit or use action replay to move it.

    2. now you want to uncompress this to its own folder probally best on the desktop, create another folder next to it and start to siff through all the files looking for the evox RAR, uncompress that to the folder you jsut made.

    3. there will be a couple of things that are now in that folder a .xbe usualy default or evox or evoxdash, make sure you change that to default.xbe

    there is also a trainers folder leave that as it is , delete the skins folder because it is not needed.

    4.open the evox.ini file it looks similar to a text document there is going to be alot in there but only modify what this tells you

    go down to the area that contains

    Section "Root"
    Section "Play Games from Hard Drive"

    this is where we basically child proof evox making it only a trainers ap

    delete the lines that contain

    Section "Launch Emulators"
    Line "- Emulators on Hard Drive -",2
    AutoAddItem "E:\Emulators\"
    AutoAddItem "F:\Emulators\"
    AutoAddItem "G:\Emulators\"

    then delete

    Section "Launch Applications"
    Line "- Auto Added Items -",2
    AutoAddItem "E:\Apps\"
    AutoAddItem "F:\Apps\"
    AutoAddItem "G:\Apps\"
    Item "Microsoft Dashboard","C:\msdash.xbe"
    Item "Choose a Different Skin",ID_Skins
    Section "System Configuration"
    Item "System Settings",ID_Settings
    Item "Lock Harddisk",@210
    Item "Unlock Harddisk",@211
    Item "Power Cycle",ID_Full_Reboot
    Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
    Item "Backup",ID_Backup
    Item "Reboot Xbox",ID_Quick_Reboot
    Item "Power Off Xbox",ID_Power_Off

    LogFile = "E:\lock.log"
    Info "This function will lock your XBOX Harddisk"
    Warning "You will now lock your XBOX harddisk and will be able"
    Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios"

    LogFile = "E:\unlock.log"
    Info "This function will unlock your XBOX Harddisk"
    Warning "You will now unlock your XBOX harddisk and will not be able"
    Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios"

    but make sure you add jsut one

    at the end to close the menu

    right now you should have this at the bottom of the ini

    Section "Root"
    Section "Play Games from Hard Drive"
    Line "- Games on the Hard Drive -",2
    AutoAddItem "E:\Games\"
    AutoAddItem "E:\HDDLoader\"
    AutoAddItem "E:\GamesHomeBrew\"
    AutoAddItem "F:\Games\"
    AutoAddItem "F:\HDDLoader\"
    AutoAddItem "F:\GamesHomeBrew\"
    AutoAddItem "G:\Games\"
    AutoAddItem "G:\HDDLoader\"
    AutoAddItem "G:\GamesHomeBrew\"
    Item "Xbox Game Trainers",ID_trainer
    Section "Launch Emulators"
    Line "- Emulators on Hard Drive -",2
    AutoAddItem "E:\Emulators\"
    AutoAddItem "F:\Emulators\"
    AutoAddItem "G:\Emulators\"
    Line "-----------------------------",2
    Item "Play Game / Media from DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
    Line "-----------------------------",2

    right now you have a working trainer launcher ini but if ya go in there ya might want to go back to unleash so

    5. here we add the button that alows you to go back to unleash

    Line "-----------------------------",2
    Item "Play Game / Media from DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
    Line "-----------------------------",2

    put a space jsut after the play fame media from dvd line and insert this line of code

    Line "-----------------------------",2
    Item "Play Game / Media from DVD",ID_Launch_DVD

    Item "UnleashX","?:\?.xbe"

    Line "-----------------------------",2

    the question marks indicate where u put the drive letter in which your dash is located the second question mark is two things from past experince not all exploits mod the same way so your dash might be in a diffrent directory then mine and called a diffrent file

    for example my dash is under C: and it is called evoxdash.xbe so my line would look like C:\evoxdash.xbe

    but yours may be in the E: under the dash folder and its called default.xbe so your line would be E:\dash\default.xbe

    once complete if you put everything in right when you launch the program you will have the trainers option then select from hard drive if a game is avaliable followed by launch dvd and unleashX (optional)

    6.almost done dow all you have to do is make sure that you changes the name of the xbe in the folder to default.xbe and then move everything back to the xbox under what ever folder you like(apps is always a safe option)

    but i have run into some problems with other peoples xbox they have not been able to see the app once they restart there box why this happens i am not sure, so you have two option move your config for unleash to your computer via ftp or if your comftorable enough with the unleash key board u can edit right on your xbox just go to the file explorer and select the file it should onpen to a test editier or if using a computer right click and open with note pad.

    locate the lines that start with

    <Item Action="LaunchDVD">Launch DVD</Item>

    put a space and type in the following lines if there is capitals put capitals where show this is important

    right after the launch dvd line put the line :

    <Item Action="?:\?.xbe">evox trainers</Item>

    the question marks are same as above put the drive you put the evox and then the path from there to where the default.xbe for the evox is

    so now remeber be sure you type it properly with all the lines going the right way this is very important

    alright thats it jsut save your work if doing on xbox or if pc over right the config with the new one you jsut edited. then restart your xbox if done correctly the Evox option will be under launch dvd if done wrong you might have your menu disappear if this happens don't panic just hit start and hit open containing folder this will bring you to the file explorer on what ever you can see such as evox or what ever you can

    ten go to the unleash xml and undo your changes or try to make sure what you have in there is correct if you can't figure it out post to this form and i will help you as soon as possible

    well there you go you now have a brand new self made trainer launch if everything went fine then be happy if you are unsure about this and need help i will gladly give a more detailed instruction with you one on one

    if ur still awake at the bottom go sleep for a bit or get some liquids such as redbull or coffee.

    Last edited: May 23, 2006
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Why not just install the XoredETM trainer launcher instead?

    If you don't know how to launch a trainer from within unleash then you certainly don't have the skills to go hacking about in evox.ini..

    n00bs take note..evox ini boots your dash..mess it up and you are in big trouble..and DON'T attempt this with a softmod..
  3. mav777777

    mav777777 Member

    May 21, 2006
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    sorry jan rocks but htats not 100 percent true some people don't have the resources to get trainer launchers and what not and it does not have any troubles doing this all it is is making a samll program its mainly good for people who are jsut bored and want somthing to tinker with

    its a harmless little thing and with the instruction it is quite simple its a XoredETM alternitive i use it in making custom multi boot cds that contain more then one game

    and its really simple cause i learned it all myself and i only been modded for 2 and 1/2 months now and don;t have a whole lot of time to learn all this stuff
    Last edited: May 24, 2006

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