Am on ??C in Dublin I correctly/successfully applied the latest firmware and it worked just great. I now have have all the channels except movies and sports channels. Can anyone tell me why this might be? Is the the latest firmware file only a temporary or partial one? Also, the epg program guide still does not display information about story line of the program we are watching. its been a long time now. will there be an update to give us this soon? Thanks in advance, Tones
They wont work anymore, they have moved to nagra 3 so your ex7000 will slowly start to drop more channels.
movies & sport channels moved to a more secure encryption level last week (nagravision 3) no box can handle this at present & it may be quite some time before a fix is available,..if ever. The firmware for the ex7000hd is still being fine tuned but has taken a back seat for the moment due to the imminent release of the new (eurovox ex1100sl USB),...a link to new ex7000 firmware will be available on this forum first so stay tuned.
Thanks for your answers. Its rather dissappointing to hear that this is happening again. makes me wish I knew how to crack it and make new working firmware myself. Anyway, I will just have to sit and wait... Thanks again.