Exactly what do Mods do?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Mushnick, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. Mushnick

    Mushnick Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Sorry to be a complete newb, but a friend of mine got his Xbox moded by some company and he seems pretty happy with it. He says that he can play all the old snes games and stuff on it to, but that his xbox live doesn't work anymore. So, can you tell me what's going on and what mods do?

    Oh, also, I've been reading some your posts and was wondering, what's the difference between the Xacuter3 chip and the Xenium Ice Solderless chip? The solderless looks like the same price and says it has a switch, but I really have no clue.

    And do mod chips come with the BIOS and dashboard? I read a thing that talked about them but I don't know how to get them or if I don't need to worry about it.

    One last thing. A thing I read says that an xbox only takes DVD-R. My computer only has a DVD+R, but I've been burning a few movie backups onto DVD+R's and they work fine in my xbox. What's that mean?

    .. Sorry I keep adding to this. But is there a way to back-up my old PSone games and play them on the xbox?
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2005
  2. mesman21

    mesman21 Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Mods basicly change the operating system on ur Xbox (bios). They alow u to take basicly all the restrictions off the xbox and make it more like a regular pc.

    Xecuter3 and Ice are similar, basicly the Xecuter3 is a bit nicer, but they both do the trick, and i highly recommend the ice, specially if u have v1.6 u can get the new version of it.

    You need to download a new Bios and dashbard if u dont want to u se original, you could easily ftp them from ur friends xbox.

    Xbox's play CD RW just as well as a DVD-R

    I have no idea about old PSone games, but why on earth would u do that
  3. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    yes there is a way to play psone games on the xbox but not pstwo yet.
    but to tell you now it is really slow and laggy when you try to play psone games on the xbox.
  4. alinares

    alinares Regular member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    modchip's give you more choices to do on your xbox like play mp3's,backups,store games on your harddrive,and much more.if you get a linux type chip you can use the internet on you're xbox check your e-mail and a whole lot of things.if think of getting modchip installed on your xbox get an old version like v.1-v1.5 because if you have a v1.6 or a v1.6b you have to rebuild the lpc.
  5. tjkick

    tjkick Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    I have installed the x3ce chip and the lcd and switches that come preinstalled on a front panel and I even managed to flash it with x3_1959.bin. The only problem now is I really don't know how to run it and what all it will do. Can anyone help me?
  6. ryder101

    ryder101 Guest

    how much does the ice mod cost?
  7. novicebb

    novicebb Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    Wow all this is going right over my head. I don't have the foggiest of what you all are talking about. But I am on this forum to learn what needs to be learned and know what needs to be known. Question though:
    First what does FTP means? Second how do you know what version of Xbox you have?
  8. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    ok its cool that your tryin to learn and all:) once you get ahold of it, it isnt that hard so here we go;) first, ftp stands for File Transfer Protocol. you use ftping to transfer files from youir pc to your xbox. the best place to get your xbox version is this place right here --> http://www.xbox-scene.com/versions.php well there ya go both your question answerd:) talk to you later man. and if ya ever need help just pm me.
  9. alinares

    alinares Regular member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    wow buddy don't rush with the exunium ice chip thats for advance people
    dude i couldn't even handle a duox2 chip i suggest you get an duox2 cromwell version psssst the white one not the blue
  10. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    dont listen to that guy. it is not that hard to mod your xbox with an xenium ice chip, but i do sugest you to get the xecuter 3. i use the xecuter 3 and it works like a charm. if ya need anyhelp on how to install or get a hold of an xecuter 3 just go to http://www.teamxecuter.com
  11. JimmyO

    JimmyO Guest

    just a quick one, probably a silly question, i replaced the xbox fan with a cool 8cm one with 4 diff coloured led's. I switched the fan speed with the 12v mod (split the black ground wire and taped it to the heat shield), noisy as hell by the way, but the led's shine much much brighter.

    anyway, the fan blades face the same way round as the xbox fan did before it, but it blows a friggin gail out the back of the xbox, i assumed it would need turning around if thats the case as the gadgets inside would want all the nice air blowing over them....is this the case, do xbox fans and normal pc case fans spin the same way, am i talking out my ass...someone please advise before i take it to bits again and turn the fan round....

    its just that i sat and watched the cpu temp go up right infront of me on the 'dashboard' settings screen.


    p.s, i use the xecuter 2.6ce, works perfectly, piss-easy to fit, suggest you buy the solderless adapter for it, xecuter 3 is best as you can buy lcd screens and replacement front panels for it.
  12. pacman33

    pacman33 Guest

    actualy it depends on what you want:) when the xbox comes to you not moded and all the fan is blowing outwards automaticly. for my xbox i just went into my avalaunch dash and made it so my fan runs at full speed now. i dont use any leds and they suck up alot of power so im not sure if its a good idea for you to run a full power but speeding it up would help a bit to keep the temp down. and the reason the fans blow outwards is so it doesnt fill the xbox up withdust and crap and so that it taks the heat off of the parts and doesnt blow it back on. i would say that its all up to you if ya want it to spin backwards. it wont hurt anything. i think that the best way to go though is pasivly cooled systems. they take no power but if ya dont do it right it can burn alot of crap. pasivly cooled systems is where instead of a fan it has alot of tiny pipe that hook to the heat shrink. these pipes cary the heat to the end of the pipes which you have on the outside of your xbox. this isnt a good way to go if ya got kids cause the pipes can get really hot. and when i say really hot i mean it can be hoter then a dam oven. what i do it just make a tiny extra box on the outside that covers the pipe on the back of the xbox and put your fan there. it cools the pipes down alot faster and keep the xbox runing nice and smoth with no heat problems. dont ask me where to get all this stuff cause i have only thought about it and havent got to that part yet. and one more thing. when your watching the heat rise and lower on the dash it may not be corect. if you got any of the newer systems i think from 1.5 up the heating system is wako and doesnt read the temp corectly.
    well gladd to be of some help,
  13. DynatyxXx

    DynatyxXx Regular member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Chipmod - Let's you play backed up games and dvd's without the kit and music.....emulate other gaming system and u can change look of the virtual internal xbox and transfer files between xbox and PC ...and if ya good enough, even hack a game through a chip.

    Softmod - Just like the chipmod, only very unstable and its done thorugh programs...

    Design Mods - If youre a good technician you can make a christmas tree outta your xbox... u can change paint and add lcd and install leds... even make leds flash by the rithm of the music your listening
    Last edited: May 19, 2005

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