*.exe not working properly

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Sentimal, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Sentimal

    Sentimal Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    Hi! I have a mildly concerning problem. It seems something is wrong with *.exe on my computer. Let me try to expand on this. When I try to run a program I get the error message: *(Program Name)* caused a error <Unknown> The program has been shut down. This is a rough translation, as I am using Polish Win. ME. Anyway this happenes for every program I try to run, be it Windows programs like System Restore, or downloaded programs like DIVX player, but the funny thing is, that sometimes I get them to open, like for example my internet program which is also a exe and it allows me to connect to the internet. Im not sure, but I think that if I turn my Internet program off, I may have trouble again to turn it on again. I have Norton 2002 installed and up to date, and last night apon getting the first of these <unknown> error messages (i was opening mplayer2) I ran a system scan. It came out that I had 10 files infected with Trojan.ByteVerify. I followed the steps of removal that are on the symantec website: Turn system restore off, run in Safe mode, delete all files containing the virus. After doing this most programs (including Norton, my internet, etc. did not want to turn on at all, and I got the same <unknown> error. Today I turned my comp on, restarted it a few times and after like the 7th restart I got my internet working, my Nero (so i burned all my docs) and my Norton, which says my system is clean. This is strange, because I closed Nero, and then opened it again, and closed it without problems, but still other programs give me <unknown>... I know this is a rather complex problem, but I dont know (other than defrag my disk, which i would rather not do) what else to do! Also I dont have a firewall. Any suggestions?
  2. Sentimal

    Sentimal Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    Also a funny thing is that now... as I am wrting this, I got a <unknown> error about explorer, and I dont see my Start menu, my icons, my whole desktop, all I can see is this internet window, which seems to work fine! hahaha its kinda funny not having a desktop, kinda like working on a terminal. Anyway I dodnt want to restart cause who knows if i will be avle 2 read the answer to this thread!
  3. {TKO}

    {TKO} Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    first and foremost...i know little about computers, buti'd like to offer some input....i may be wrong.....but here it goes.....first off, ME is suposed to be the shittiest OS that microsoft has ever come out with...i have never heard anybody defend ME......second, it sounds like you are seriously infected, but if you've run a scan ( an up-to-date scan) i don't think you should have a problem...my personal experience with Norton was not very good...i had to restore my PC 3 times when i had Norton...since converting to Mcafee WITH a firewall, all has been good....get a firewall, bro, fast.....considering all the problems you're having... i would start considering restore if no one has any better suggesitons, which i'm sure they will...this iste is real good about helping you out.....also as for the trojan thing...when i had to get rid of one..it wasn't that easy...if i remember correctly you have to back up some files befoer doing anything...and there are files that don't contain the actual virus, but were created by the virus and can still be harmful to your PC.....if i am wrong, i am sure that his guy's will correct me....good luck with your prob, bro...it sucks...God speed
  4. Sentimal

    Sentimal Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    Thanks dude! Good tips... I hate ME and I am thinking of XP or back 2 98 :) I did some more snooping through my files and forums and come up with the solution to my problem 100%. I had a Trojan, but it didnt cause my problems, what did was the SPY-Ware with the Trojan. I ran a handy program called Ad-aware 6 by Lavasoft and it detected 28 "data miners" and 1 "other". This other caused my exe to screw around. I deleted all those files and system works like a charm again :) To all who have simular problems, or you get strange ad's when you type the wrong address in your browser... download Ad-Aware and scan your system!
  5. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Ok, 1st Prob is as Sentimal said, ME is a real unstable Operating System. Depending on your computer specs, either get Windows XP or 98SE.
    10 Infected files..... As Symantec says, Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP),Update the virus definitions, Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode, Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as Trojan.ByteVerify.
    My suggestion, Backup your Data (My Documents etc) and get your computer formatted and Windows reloaded, not Win ME if you can help it, but thats still ok if you cant afford XP.
    If you dont know how to, just take it to your local computer shop and they can do it for you.


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