hey guys, im a newbie, well ive been wandering through the site now for a little over a month but joined today because i am having problems with burning dvd files and wanted to get your expertise opinion. I downloaded .avi files. converted those .avi files to DVD using Avi2Dvd (and after problem with first burn i tried converting a second time using WinAvi). I followed the guides (which are great btw) very closely for converting (both times). Burned the first time using Nero (Nero Express 6 - freebee OEM software came with the burner) and the second time tried 1 click DVD copy pro. both times exact same result. I have the codecs that I need, at least what the guides and a couple posts in this forum told me i might need. When I play the DVD on my home DVD player there is a significant "shutter" of the picture and the movie is not watchable. It plays just fine on my computer but not on my DVD player. sound is fine. If there is something obvious that i am missing in the guides or searching this forum I appologize in advance. I tried to do my homework before posting repetitive questions on this board. help is much appreciated. thank you and kudos to the minds behind this website, its a great site with tonnes of very helpful information
Hello. The most common causes, but not the only causes, for poor playback on a standalone player are: Using poor quality media. Many of us recommend Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and Made in Japan labeled Fuji and Sony media. Burning at too fast a rate. A good rule of thumb is to burn at half or less the rated speed of the media.
What do you mean it Shutters? Does it have horizontal lines? Pixelation? One other suggestion is to make sure when you use Nero Vision or AVI2DVD that the output format is set correctly. (PAL or NTSC) If you have an NTSC player make sure the DVD you converted is in NTSC and not PAL. If it is PAL then you will need to change Nero Vision settings to NTSC. If you have a NTSC DVD system then you can get horizontal lines across the screen when trying to play a PAL movie on it. I know Nero Vision setting for converting is set to automatic. So Nero will choose to encode the AVI files with the closest format. So if the AVI has more PAL features in it then Nero Vision will convert it as a PAL DVD. You will have to go into the Video Options on Nero Vision and change the automatic setting to NTSC. After importing the files in and doing the other steps Nero will then say there is more PAL then NTSC do you want to switch. Do not switch it. That is just a warning Nero Vision will give you when your about to convert. Plus the other advice above is good advice also. Media quality(Compatibility) is 1 of the most important part to backing up/converting video.
laddy and larry, thank you both. by shutter i meant horizontal lines. very good information. i did try burning at half speed, after reading your post and a little more research i am almost convinced that it is the PAL / NTSC. I have another conversion in progress but i changed the setting off of auto to NTSC. im thinking (and hoping) that this burn will work out nicely, thanks again for the help larry very good information. on the media quality....i went online and bought a spindle of verbatim, these memorex that were purchased for me by the wife just wont cut it. guess they will be good coasters cheers,
@johnnyp Hope this was the problem and corrects the problem. Also a few more examples if it is a PAL or NTSC problem are... Plays in -- Black & White error that says -- wrong format DVD error that says -- incorrect disc(which this error is common which means this could be the problem but might not) As to the memorex use them for data disc if you need to backup your programs or pics etc. They should be fine for that use. Just not very good for video.
thanks larry. converted again and the horizontal lines were gone after converting to NTSC. That WinAvi nag sure is annoying. from the conversion tools that I have tried so far I like WinAvi, is it worth paying the $30 to get rid of the nag? is there something better that is free? I have read that version 6.3 of WinAvi is better than the newer version 7.7, if i buy 7.7 will the registration work for 6.3 i wonder? The audio was out of sync big time tho, i had the audio bitrate setting at 224kb/s, would changing it to 192kb/s fix that problem? Is this possibly a media quality issue as well. I want to continue using the memorex until I have everything working great as I seem to be increasing my coaster collection. Any helpful hints you can give me on the audio quality would be very helpful.
I used to use WinAVI allot. But recently I have used VSO ConvertXTODvd and like the outcome of using this program allot. Below is a guide on how to use it plus a link to the software. (Just make sure you choose NTSC(USA/JAPAN) in as your default format) http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/vso_convertxtodvd_guide.cfm