Explanation about flash card and other questions

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Wiiman50, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Wiiman50

    Wiiman50 Guest

    I have a 3ds with the latest update and it seems to be confirmed fine. I seen a few cards such as the r4i sdhc and the r4i gold.
    Which cards work stable for the 3ds and which one do you think I should buy. I also need to find a few places that are legit
    that ship from usa. If you can give me a few places with some really good prices from usa I would appreciate it guys from
    the bottom of my heart.
  2. StephenKu

    StephenKu Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Just get a DSTwo , acekard 2i or R4i gold 3DS, those are top 3 .... you can not find many pnline shops come from usa because it is not legal...most of the flashcard sites are from china you know, they can ship to your place.....just google it and choose a trustworthy site.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  3. GBX_Lee

    GBX_Lee Regular member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Most of the USA shops don't sell them for legal issue, so just buy it from Chinese shop choosing a fast delivery method. Check Slickgate.com if you don't know any reliable shop.

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