Well I love the idea of video ipod but still the battery life for videos BLOWS is there anyway besides buying something to extend the battery life?
i've heard that if you let the battery die completely and then fully recharge it, it could possibly extend battery life slowly if you keep doing it.
Quote: i've heard that if you let the battery die completely and then fully recharge it, it could possibly extend battery life slowly if you keep doing it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ya that is true, it is called "working the battery". It was for the PSP. The only problem is that you cant drain a IPOD do completly dead. So,it wont work. My opinion is that the battery life is fine. I can watch 2 movies, a few episodes of TV, and then few hours of songs with battery left over. If you are buyying an IPOD the battery life sould be a PRO not a CON.
A tip when being careful with battery life - [bold]always keep your iPod on hold[/bold] when it's not in the palm of your hand. If you don't, & leave your iPod on accidentally, you'll be amazed at how quickly the battery life will deteriorate ;-)
Well I was in detention to day and I was watching 40 year old virgin and my ipod just like stoped and said it was to low to play a video...yeah but I only watched like an hour of it and I didnt listen it at all the whole day before that so yeah its gay.
If it is really an issue, I recommend you invest in a decent battery pack for your iPod. Belkin would be a great choice, but there are others. Have a look at this link for more info. http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=148969
Here is a link to tips on getting the most out of your iPod battery. http://www.apple.com/batteries/ipods.html