can anybody explain or give a good link on how this works? what do i need to buy to house an internal burner with a casing and make it internal? thanks!
Ok, re-read your body of your 1st post. 2nd, if you search google in general it can give you an idea on how it works. Making an internal burner an EXTERNAL with a casing, you'll need to invest into a external CD Casing. Should be able to purchase on 3rd, don't say "thanks for NO HELP people. this forum is not what i thought it was going to be. very disappointing." You're a newbie and should be grateful for any answer you get with an attitude like your 2nd post. Go eat some information for while.
If you want an immediate response perhaps you should be paying somebody to answer your questions. We don't get paid for it here and we weren't just sitting around waiting for you to post a question. All you need to get is an external drive enclosure with a firewire interface. You can technically use USB 2, but that's asking for trouble as USB isn't known for doing well with extended data transfers. I'd also advise making sure it has a self contained power supply instead of an external DC adapter. You can tell this easily by examining the power cord. If it looks just like the one that your PC uses the power supply is in the enclosure. If there's a big box in the middle of the cord stay away from it. This is the enclosure I use for my hard drive: It will also work for optical drives. Make sure that the enclosure says it will since some are only designed for hard drives.
(Just not being able to stay out of it - - ) You're not what I expected from a newer member of the human race either - Perhaps your family gene pool needs some serious trimming – There’s no way your Mama should have let you out of the house with an attitude of: (Whine, whine, cry, cry -) “Me, me, I’m the important one, everyone owes me – bow down before me –“ I suggest you really aught to acquire some “People skills” - I'm supprised any of the members here every bothered to post you anything at all - I'm so very glad you found this forum "very disappointing," I certainly hope you don't stop back, we'll be much happier without your, "I can't even write a logical question, I'm so dumb" self. Bye, bye now - don't let the door hit you in your brain cavity on the way out- and, BTW, I think you owe the pple here an apology, BIG TIME !!! "P" _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP[/small]
Kyle all you need to do is buy a 5.25 case and make sure that it is usb 2.0 compatable. 1. Open case and take out front plate connect the cable & power to your dvd rw drive.The power and cable plugs are mounted in the case just plug them in. 2. Take the four screws that came with the case and lock down the drive the screws mount under the case this will stop the device from moving around in the case. 3. put the power to the device plug the usb to your computer and you are in business. 4, I've done this 4 times already
step # 2 1/2 sorry close the case after installing the screws. The reason you need a 5.25 case is so that your drive can fit in the case. DO NOT BUY A CASE JUST FOR A HARD DRIVE MAKE SURE THE CASE CAN HANDLE A DVD,CD OR HARD DRIVE
OK i wasn't personally attacking anyone. i may technically be a newb here, but i am most definitely not a newb. was just trying to start from ground zero on the enclosure and asking about the quality of a drive. no kidding nobody is getting paid, but i wasn't expecting an immediate response. BUT when 30+ peeps got a response and mine got nothing, i start to wonder if it is just being ignored and that is just not cool period. so all is good in the world now. wasn't trying to offend anyone, was just expecting more from this forum with my 2 initial posts, and i learned that there is only one Doc. that person knows what being friendly and helping out is all about. but thanks for all of the help and suggestions everyone else. definitely going to keep coming back to forums =) k
Apology accepted kyle2k4, Yes, you may have to wait, pple respond to what they feel they can help with - When you asked for help with an internal drive to be housed internally, your question really had no answer - A little patience will get you a long way around here cheers and Welcome to our little club Pete