External drive and buring options question....

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Guido09, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. Guido09

    Guido09 Member

    Jun 29, 2002
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    Here's my situation... I'm looking to buy an external dvd burner as well as an external hard drive for my laptop. My questions are:

    1. Will there be speed issues as far as burning from an external hard drive with an external burner?

    2. Which is better- USB or Firewire?

    3. Are there any recommended External Burners or Hard Drives?

    thanks in advance for your replies- have a great day!
  2. Guido09

    Guido09 Member

    Jun 29, 2002
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  3. ellizit

    ellizit Guest

    First, I would go with firewire for sure. You can daisy chain them together if you wish and the speed will be much better. I purchsed a used external dvd burner a little while ago because I went to college and was cramped for space, brought a laptop, and ended up getting a external dvd burner. The one I ended up getting is rather old (Pioneer A04), but it still works just fine. I have not experienced with burning from and external hard drive to an external burner, but do not see there being any issues as long as the transfer speed is high enough (recommend firewire). I know that on my laptop hard drive (5400 rpm), I burn to an external firewire burner and I have not yet ran into any problems. Let us know how it works out! Good luck!

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