OK, so I'm using a hard drive enclosure which has a 500gb in it and have been using it for months just fine but one day I noticed that the drive letter doesn't show up in "My Computer". The last time I noticed that I had a dead drive I got a red light appear on my enclosure but this time it's blue like it should be and when I turn it on I hear that "beep" telling me that it has been attached but nothing shows. Like I said, it's already been formatted and used. I tried it on another computer with the same issue. My thoughts are that something's up with my enclosure but can anyone give me any other ideas on what I should check to figure out what happened here? Thanks Nate
Sounds like the enclosure is faulty, check another USB cable first to make sure, but I'd probably stick the drive inside it in another enclosure.
Yep, I'm gonna chuck this up as a enclosure failure. I changed the USB cable and it recognized the drive but then windows told me that there was a failure with the device. I then put the drive inside the case and it pops up just fine. Thanks for your help. Nate