External DVD Burner Question

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by gerbells, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. gerbells

    gerbells Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I have an external Emprex dvd burner but I get ALOT of errors and failed to burn dvd's.. a lot of the time when I burn a dvd to watch downstairs it burns fine then goes off 3/4 of the way through, I know this happens to everyone but Im thinking the external burner could have something to do with it?

    They are so cheap now Im wondering is it better just to buy and internal burner like a Pioneer from ebay?

    any help would be great.
  2. Mordaunt

    Mordaunt Member

    Dec 13, 2007
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    Toshiba A215-S4747 laptop
    4gb, Vista Home Premium

    I very recently purchased a Memorex external MRX-530LE (DVD+-RAM 530L v1). Under Vista I've created a lot of coasters, but had ZERO success creating either a Data DVD or a Video DVD (from iso) using any of the software I've tried, which has included the Nero 7 that accompanied the drive. I had every reason to believe the device was DOA for writes, but for some reason I had a hunch that the drive was yet ok. Fortunately I have another system that boots 3 flavors of Linux. On those systems I proved that it is NOT the device; it's a conflict with something in the Vista environment. I think it's Virtual Clonedrive, but I haven't tested that hypothesis. But these drivers are squirrelly. The Memorex burned a movie under Mandriva 2008 that Vista plays perfectly and yet no software of any kind in Mandriva will read the disc that was created under Mandriva! WTF? I don't know if any of this sheds any light. Sidebar: I had an Emprex 2gb USB stick that died shortly after 90-day warranty expired. I wouldn't own anything with that name on it. P.S. If you are interested in your own sanity, give up computers entirely OR have at least TWO completely disjoint computing environments at hand so that you can determine whether it's the "thing" or the environment. Linux distros are free and hardware is cheap.

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