Extra Halo 2 maps?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by MaGoop, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. MaGoop

    MaGoop Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Is there any possible way to get extra multiplayer maps for Halo 2 (other than Foundation)?

    I tried to use Xcommander to take Halo maps and put them on Halo 2's file, but nothing happened. Does anyone know how to put any new or old level onto Halo 2 with a modded or non-modded xbox?
  2. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Halo 2 maps are currently being worked on I believe. As for the first Halo, I got a bunch of modified maps for it, about 30 or so. Check out halomods.com and halomaps.com for more info if you're interested.
  3. jayquik03

    jayquik03 Regular member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Halo 2 maps are now available online and in newsgroups
  4. MaGoop

    MaGoop Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Is it possible to insert Halo maps into Halo 2? Is there some sort of hack out there that allows Halo multiplayer maps to be accessable in Halo 2?
  5. tEkSlayer

    tEkSlayer Guest

    If you could somehow get into the .MAP files on you're halo 2 disk, then you might be able to copy some of the .MAP files from halo1 and transfer them to the halo 2 disk. But that's very unlikely on xbox stuff, it's got all this protection that won't let you into the files needed. If it comes out for PC like the first one it would be easy. And anyways, I think I heard that when you go on xbox live it checks your system and disk for anything that's been modified before it signs you in or somthin, in case ur usin a mod chip ...somthin like that. And if you got caught copyin somthin or changin somthin from microsoft, they'd probably sue your butt off...not really worth it to copy, huh?
  6. jayquik03

    jayquik03 Regular member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    I belive that if you change files there are no problems You bought the product?? You paid cash for it you dont plan on reproducing for other people Do what you want. Microsoft wont do anything but kick your live acount if noticed anyways who needs live when you have a mod chip :-D Everyweek there's a new game to play MUHAHAHAHA

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